Our Bear River Names and Descriptions of our Past

As described by another, “It leaves you barren of words, either for description or appreciation.”

References are as follows:

The Switzerland of Nova Scotia

The Tidal Village

The Village on Stilts

A Place Like No Other

Artisan Community 

Cherry Town

Another reference also is “a thriving place.”

Quoted from Picturesque Bear River, pre-1900:  “the Rhine of Nova Scotia and the village itself, parts of which are cradled so lovingly in the sheltered valleys, while the rest is perched high upon the surrounding hills and has been appropriately named the “Jewel of Nova Scotia.”

River names in keeping are as follows:

The Rhine of Nova Scotia

L’sikik Elestuk as named by the Mi’kmaw

Riviere St. Antoine

Riviere de Hebert

History tells of a major decline in our economy between 1910-1920, followed by the collapse of the Clarke Brothers Pulp Mill. Bear River then redefined itself as a picturesque retreat from the modern world. The 1925 Bear River Board of Trade distributed literature to tourism groups in Canada and the US. Quoting, “Words cannot describe the very loveliness of Bear Rivers valleys nor the lofty grandeur of the towering hills, crowned with the well-tilled farms or ever-green forest.”

Ninety-seven years later, the majority of that quote is still valid. How privileged are we to have an opportunity to build on our undefinable beauty, as expressed above by the great variety of names.

Ask yourselves the question, “Is there any other village in Nova Scotia that can boast at having their location, historic past and artistic present proclaimed in such a manner as Bear River? Many have been inspired; residents, visitors, artists and authors.

Another question is, “How many communities have had six history books published all in regards to a colorful and industrial past?”

History of our past and the general acknowledgement of our unique grandeur, if utilized, can dictate our future if brought to the attention of visitors, residents, and entrepreneurs.

We are very fortunate in our Bear River area to have established vineyards and wineries. These major investments contribute to the growth and public exposure of our community.

All the above has dealt primarily with our past. Our present time is of course experienced by all. Let us be proud of our community and present it to others with sincerity.